Data is always in season.

Welcome to AgBiz Logic!

AgBiz Logic is a suite of economic, financial, and environmental decision tools for businesses that grow, harvest, package, add value, and sell agricultural products.

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Measure your profitability.

AgBizProfit empowers you to make effective short- and long-term capital investment decisions by measuring NPV and IRR after adjusting for inflation's impact on profitability.



Enhance your negotiations.

AgBizLease measures profitability when comparing existing to alternative leases with farming and ranch practices, prices, and input changes.



Manage your financial risk.

AgBizFinance analyzes your business' proforma cash flows, balance sheets, income statements, financial ratios, and performance measures.



Gauge your environmental impact.

AgBizEnvironment compares chemical programs' economic and environmental tradeoffs and estimates of GHG emissions when field operations change.



Assess effects of short-term weather forecasts.

AgBizClimate displays six-month weather forecasts and longer-term predictions, allowing you to adjust and measure how weather and climate impact your crop and livestock net returns.

AgBizClimate logo


Compare your budgets to similar operations.

AgBizCompare allows you to compare the income and expenses of a crop or livestock enterprise to other farms and ranches of the same crop or livestock enterprise from different geographic regions of the U.S.

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