AgBiz Logic™

Cutting-edge decision tools to help grow your business.

Personalize Your Account


Create a unique account for your business, where you’ll manage income, expenses, assets, and liabilities for each of your business enterprises.

Assemble Your Data

Import your data from existing accounting systems, or manually allocate from your own records. All of your data will be stored securely and privately for your own personal use.


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Create and Manage Budgets


Create and manage budgets to track the performance of your enterprises. With complete and detailed budgets, AgBiz Logic will help you quickly pinpoint areas for improvement as well as where you are performing well.

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AgBizProfit is a capital investment tool that evaluates an array of short-, medium-, and long-term investments. These investments may include planting long-term perennial timber, tree fruit, nut and vine crops; evaluating annual crops, cropping systems or livestock enterprises; implementing technologies; and adopting conservation practices.

AgBizProfit uses previously generated enterprise budgets to establish a base from which you can analyze potential investments. All assumptions in these budgets such as prices received, yields obtained, or costs and inflation rates can be readily changed. Once the appropriate budgets have been selected and modified, you’re ready to run an AgBizProfit scenario report. Each scenario consists of one to five individual plans that can be compared to each other simultaneously. What follows is a partial list of applicable scenarios:

AgBizProfit uses the economic concepts of net present value, annual equivalence, and internal rate of return to analyze the potential profitability of a given investment. Projected annual net returns are discounted back to their present value to be compared with other plans within each scenario. Each plan can be discounted with its own discount rate, beginning and ending investment values.


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AgBizLease is designed to help agricultural producers establish equitable short- and long-run crop leases. AgBizLease calculates two types of leases – crop share percentage and annual cash rent payment. The basis for which AgBizLease calculates these leases is the Net Present Value (NPV) of total costs paid by either the tenant or landowner. In each lease type, the more a tenant or landowner contributes to total costs over the length of the lease, the higher the percentage share of the crop return or cash rent payment. In a cash rent lease, the annual cash rent payment is calculated in two ways – the landowner’s required cash rent payment and the tenant’s ability to pay.

AgBizLease uses previously generated enterprise budgets to establish a base from which tenants and landowners can establish equitable lease arrangements for annual and perennial crops. All assumptions in these budgets such as prices received, yields obtained, or costs and inflation rates can be readily changed. Once the appropriate budgets have been selected and modified, you’re ready to run an AgBizLease scenario report. Each scenario consists of one to five individual plans that can be compared to each other simultaneously. What follows is a partial list of applicable scenarios:

  • Crop-share or annual cash rent payment in crop production
  • Livestock-shares or annual cash rent payment in livestock production
  • Shares of a product or annual cash rent payment in a value added business

AgBizLease uses the economic concepts of net present value to analyze an equitable crop share or cash rent lease for a tenant and landowner. Projected annual net returns are discounted back to their present value to be compared with other lease plans within each scenario. Each plan can be discounted with its own discount rate, beginning and ending investment values.


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AgBizFinance is designed to help agricultural producers make investment decisions based on financial liquidity, solvency, profitability, and efficiency of the farm or ranch business. After an AgBizFinance analysis has been created, investments in technology, conservation practices, value-added processes, or changes to cropping systems or livestock enterprises can be added to or deleted from the current farm and ranch operation. Changes to a business’ financial ratios and performance measures will also be calculated.

AgBizFinance allows you to create your own scenarios or use existing scenarios from AgBizProfit and AgBizLease as the foundation for annual returns and cash costs for each business enterprise. By inserting asset and liability information, AgBizFinance generates 19 financial ratios and performance measures. All assumptions in these scenarios are created specifically for the farm or ranch operations.

AgBizFinance generates reports with tables and graphs to assist in your investment decisions. The following is annual and pro-forma information generated from this program:

  • Annual cash flow
  • Annual income statement
  • Annual balance sheet
  • 10-year pro-forma cash flow by enterprise
  • 10-year pro-forma cash flow statement
  • 10-year pro-forma income statement
  • 10-year pro-forma balance sheet

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AgBizEnvironment utilizes various components to measure and track environmental aspects of crop and livestock production. Aspects include pesticide, herbicide, fertilizer, and energy use, as well as tillage and land management practices. Combined with other AgBiz Logic tools, users can compare environmental, economic and financial tradeoffs.

An example of a component utilized by AgBizEnvironment is the Environmental Impact Quotient (EIQ) developed by Cornell University. The EIQ measures the effect of various pesticides and herbicides on consumers, workers, and ecosystems.

Learn more about EIQ and other AgBizEnvironment components when you sign up for AgBiz Logic.


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AgBizClimate uses downscaled farm-level information to project yield and production inputs that are impacted by short-term weather forecasts and longer-term predictions. These yield changes are the impetus for producer-generated adjustments in input use, management and technology adoption that may lessen the negative impacts or take advantage of positive opportunities.

AgBizClimate delivers essential information about short-term weather forecasts. By using data unique to their specific farming operations, professionals can use AgBizClimate to develop management pathways that best fit their operations under varying weather and climate conditions. Additionally, the application helps the user understand how decisions about new programs, management options and technologies or varieties may impact their net returns and livelihoods.

Through the use of AgBizClimate, farmers can compare changes in their specific farm-level economic costs and returns associated with on-farm actions in response to short-term weather fluctuations and/or policy and price changes. AgBizClimate summarizes weather and climate information that is available for the farmer’s specific area, then demonstrates through powerful graphics how this downscaled information could impact the economic costs and returns the farmer is likely to face over the following growing seasons.


The AgBiz Logic™ Platform


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